(239) 936-6242 info@gmptrust.com

Please Note:

  • If you have a question regarding your pension, please contact your former employer.
  • If you are eligible for ANY part of Medicare, you are not eligible for the PPO option of coverage and you must notify the Trust immediately.
  • As of January 1, 2019, our life insurance benefit is administered by The Hartford.  All procedures for submitting life insurance benefit claims to the Trust remain the same.
  • Click here for a booklet from Medicare that gives you information on what to do if you suspect Medicare fraud and tips on how to protect your personal information.

Creditable Coverage Letter

Go to Benefits and enter your Local to find your current Creditable Coverage Letter.

Medicare Part D and the Trust

Please note that the Trust is not a supplement to Medicare Part D. If you enroll in Medicare Part D coverage, your Trust pharmacy coverage will be cancelled, although you may retain your other medical benefits coverage with the Trust.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Trust

G.M.P. - Employers Retiree Trust, is a retiree-only plan. Therefore, the retiree Trust is not subject to certain rules set forth in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. For example, retiree-only plans are not required to: • Offer free preventive health benefits • Remove annual and lifetime limits on how much they will spend on medical care • Remove limits on emergency health care

Life Insurance

As a retiree, you are automatically enrolled in the life insurance benefit. This benefit is provided at no cost to you.